ARKTIKA (Russia)
Round full fur hat, mink scanblack

Round full fur hat, mink scanblack

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Beret, white mink

French full fur white mink beret is made of very soft fur and can be worn in multiple ways.
was $399.50 Special Price $349.50
Availability: In stock
(Measurement guide)
Full fur mink beret is a glamorous and elegant fur hat. White mink beret is a chic addition to your autumn wardrobe. French beret is made of very soft fur and can be worn in multiple ways. You can wear it as a round hat covering your ears, in the French style like a painter, tilted to the side, or turned backwards like a keppy. You can fold this hat and fit it in your pocket or purse. This genuine mink fur beret will help to keep you healthy and warm.
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FurMink white
ManufacturerARKTIKA (Russia)